# Welcome to maser.data's documentation! ## Quickstart To install the package, run the following command: ``` pip install maser.data --extra-index-url https://gitlab.obspm.fr/api/v4/projects/2440/packages/pypi/simple ``` Then use the `Data` class, a wrapper around several classes that allow you to read data from many different formats, including CDF, Fits, and some custom binary formats. By default, the class will try to automagically detect the format of the file and use the appropriate class to read the data. ```python from maser.data import Data filepath = "path/to/my/data/file.ext" data = Data(filepath=filepath) ``` [![Binder](https://mybinder.org/badge_logo.svg)](https://mybinder.org/v2/git/https%3A%2F%2Fgitlab.obspm.fr%2Fcecconi%2Fmaser-data.git/dataset/rpw) You can also launch a Binder environment and browse through the notebook [examples](https://gitlab.obspm.fr/cecconi/maser-data/-/tree/master/examples). ```{toctree} --- caption: Contents maxdepth: 2 --- sections/api ``` # Indices and tables - [genindex](genindex) - [modindex](modindex) - [search](search)